Today marks thirteen years since Brady and I were married and pledged ourselves to one another.
Thirteen years.
Good thing we’re not superstitious.
I don’t really have to tell you all how much has changed in this last year.
A lot. A lot has changed.
What I will say is that we have gained FAR more than we have lost.

This has been a year of opportunity. Of adventure. Of fun! We’ve been together at home and at the lake more than ever before, and it has only solidified in our hearts how much we LOVE to be together 💜
Together, we’re trying new things, setting new goals, and being braver than we’ve ever had to be.
I see why these big times in our lives tear people apart. I give God ALL the glory that it simply never even crossed our minds. Me and you, honey. We have a really beautiful thing going, and I pray and trust that God will use it for good. If we help others, or if we simply are good examples for our children, I know God has us in the palm of His holy hand.
From day one…
…to thirteen years later…

I choose you 💜
Thirteen years is just the beginning. I foresee big things in our future.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.
Happy Anniversary you two love birds! I knew this day was coming and should have thought more ahead than I did…. I have some photos I took at your wedding that I want to send you! They are on a massive external hard drive that is currently at my brother’s as it decided to just lose one very important audio file on me…He recovered it. So when I get it back, I have special digital goodies coming your way!
I would absolutely love that, Nicole! Thank you!