Reason #1. We picked up a microwave AND a Keurig from friends who had extra appliances laying around! I am so thankful they reached out to us and offered, since we have a great coffee maker packed waaay deep into our storage container, and our house has a built in microwave. Our friends saved us a lot of money. Thanks again, guys!
Reason #2. We got all three kids new shoes today! We finally found the box of footwear that isn’t winter boots, and no one fit anything! I’m sure we have Dekker’s old shoes somewhere for Rowan, but they are likely packed away as well, because they were nowhere in sight. Dekker and Rowan got matching velcro skater shoes, while Laela complained about shoe shopping the entire time!! She was so picky and hated everything, until she finally liked a pair of cute little slip on Toms-esque shoes. So everyone was happy by the end 😉
Reason #3. We went to see our house today. We weren’t going to, since as far as we knew, all that was supposed to happen today was continuing siding and the drywall was due to be delivered. However, when the site guy called Brady to give him some dates for things in the upcoming month, he said they were already boarding the place! We couldn’t NOT go see it, so we drove out and came right as the boarders were taking a break. Perfectly timed for Brady and I to duck in and see our house looking like a whole entire HOUSE. With walls, and a ceiling, and not being able to see through closets or anything. It was incredible to walk into a room and to fully be able to picture the size it is without any distortion or any hesitation. What an exciting time it is! (Sorry, no pictures of that yet. Felt weird with the trades all milling around, haha!)
Reason #4. When we got home, we sent all three kids up into the loft, secured the baby gate, and they played completely happily while Brady and I got some stuff done. I like having the kids around when I work, don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect things to get done at warp speed. But with that loft, I so desire that my kids have a safe, happy place to play toys, and that is exactly how its worked out. They LOVE it up there, they’ve been playing really well, I hear lots of good sharing going on, and meanwhile, I could get their clothes organized and hung/folded/put away where they all belong.
Reason #5. Branching off of reason #4, organizing the kids clothes revealed that Laela has one tshirt, and about three tank tops. This is awesome because it means I can justify buying some new tops for her! I’m SO careful not to overshop for her, because its so easy, but now I know what she needs, and that makes me happy 🙂
Reason #6: My kids are GORGEOUS!!
Laela is super vogue in this picture, but she was posing like me after we took a belly shot. Speaking of which…
My belly never gets pointy like this until the VERY end of my pregnancy!!! Eek! How is this happening so early?! (See Rowan on the stairs? He is constantly crawling up and backing down these stairs. Practice makes perfect! It also makes mommy and daddy do the stairs A LOT.)
Now, to throw in the one not-so-smooth part of the day, we broke our new Keurig Rivo this evening. We bought one while living at my parents and have saved it for this place. When we opened it up, one of the cups from the handful they give you was missing. Huh. We decided it was probably just a little factory error and that it didn’t matter much in the big picture. I pulled out the manual and made the mistake of opening it. Several long, thick dark hairs fell from the book. Upon not a whole lot more of an inspection, it became clear that this machine was definitely used and returned. Not only was it used and incomplete and dirty, but it was also possibly unsatisfactory, hence the return. Sooooo thankfully, Brady drove it back and exchanged it for a hair-free, complete model! We might save trying it for tomorrow 😉 But I’m glad the whole situation was rectified!
All in all, its been a wonderful day. I really couldn’t have asked for more! Tomorrow, Dekker goes to see Dr. Rubab for a routine check up, and that is all we have scheduled! Should be another relaxed day of playing toys and settling in! Tho I am pleased to say we are incredibly settled here. We are happy, and relaxed, and restful. Thank you, Lord.