With winter comes dry weather. Thats not news. We’ve turned up the humidity in our house in an effort to save everyone’s throats and skin. But my little Laela is starting to rock overnight nosebleeds like I did as a kid.
She had her first one a few days ago. She actually woke me up to tell me about it. She told me she had cleaned herself up the best she could but her sheet had blood on it. That was fine, I told her, and assured her I’d help her clean it up in the morning. She confirmed that it was fine and she was fine to go back to bed. All was well. But man alive, when it was time to get her up!!
Blood was smeared along her bed frame, and her sheet was soaked. It was THICK. I pulled the sheet off and it was as though it had never been there. Her mattress was thick with blood, right along the seam. It was crime sceney. I put a rag on it and it squelched. It was SO gross.
I spent a lot of time that morning scrubbing that mattress with cold water, trying to lift the blood out. The water in my pail was as dark as the blood had been on the bed. It was wild how much there was. But I got that sucker good and clean! I left her room feeling like I had accomplished something big.
Except the next time I went into her room, I saw more blood. Which felt weird, but I figured I had probably just been looking at it too long and didn’t realize there was more there. So I scrubbed at it again.
And then again. Finally I took a picture when I was confident it was clean, and I left for a few hours. And then I came back, it was bloody again!
That is how much she bled. Enough that it kept growing and spreading and coming to the surface.
I worked at that sucker all day, and got it nicely cleaned and dried. There may be a pinkish hue right along the underside of the seam, but even that is debatable. Frankly, it was all overshadowed by Laela’s story, where she went to the bathroom in the night, thinking she needed to blow her nose, and seeing her face absolutely covered in blood in the mirror! Ack! Poor girl!
Aaaaanyway. Last night she had yet another nosebleed. Thankfully she caught it in time and it was a lot more manageable than the last one. But the shop for a humidifier is on! Ours recently caved, so we need to acquire another one asap to try and help get her face under control, lol!

Sorry about all the blood talk. Just what we’re working with these days!
Hydrate your faces, guys!