There has been some nice lightness in the house in the midst of some of the struggly stuff, and I wanted to share it on here 💜 Our days haven’t been especially smooth recently, but I love the bright spots. They fill my heart 💜
Rowan brought home Waverly’s kindergarten packet from school yesterday. While I was reading through the info for me, Rowan walked Wavy through the booklet for her, reading her the introductions to the important staff she’d get to know. It was VERY sweet, made all the better by the fact that it was unprompted. It was all Rowan 💜

Solly and Wavy have also played really nicely together recently. One of the latest jams has been kinetic sand. Yesterday, the goal was to combine it ALL and see how big of a volcano they could make. Teamwork, baby!

At the end of the day, Dekker went off with friends, and Laela headed out for an evening walk. I asked if I could join her, and bring a tiny friend with us. She was thrilled, and the three of us headed downtown for an errand together. It was really nice to get outside 💜

The days are nice. Windy, but beautiful. Its coming up on real live summer, and I’m really enjoying the lead up! Once school has officially wrapped, I hope to jump on the school supplies stuff on the spot and get it over with, hahaha! That way, we can just soak up summer without any big pending work to slap us in the face the day before school starts 😆 Not that that would be anyone else’s fault but my own, lol!
So many more sunny beautiful days to come 💜 Thank you, Lord.