These Bake Days

Remember a couple of weeks ago, I baked up a whole bunch of muffins and a few other things? I was so excited to use my pumpkin, hahaha! Well, that stack of baking ended up making a lot of things easier this last week while I was away. So I decided to spend today baking! At least a bit of the day. I didn’t do anything else that I should’ve done, haha! No laundry. No unpacking of the random camp stuff that came home and needs to somehow reintegrate into our home. I didn’t wash my hair. I just baked.

And guys. I actually really enjoyed myself!

I started with muffins. Pumpkin muffins. I used up the end of my pumpkin with the initial big batch, but rather than losing time to cooking up my pumpkin today, I used some canned pumpkin to make a SECOND batch! Now, a second batch it no big deal, but its already a doubled recipe. So, a couple of hours later, I had 12 dozen muffins! Plus two, lol! ✌️

While I waited for the muffins to bake up in their batches, I assembled and refrigerated two pans of granola bars. These are still not completed because they have to set for longer than I’d like. Merp.

What else did I have on hand? Frozen bananas. TONS of frozen bananas. So I broke up a bunch of banana hunks and made a couple of loaves of banana bread! I love the idea of wrapping big thick slices for individual servings. The kids took the last ones for lunches and they were met with rave reviews.

At this point, I figured I could be done. But there was one random recipe I came across when I was away last week that I wanted to try. So I made just a single batch of these oatmeal-to-go things. If they go over well enough, they would keep everyone full longer than the other options. But the other options have all the good poop stuff in them, so, trade off, hahaha! Made just shy of three dozen.

When everything was cooled, I got to wrapping. I know this isn’t everyone’s preference but don’t come for me. It saves my butt. This time around, I wrapped the muffins in twos, because every single kid always eats two in one sitting. So. Two packs.

Oh and I ordered some smaller ziploc rectangle containers because I don’t have enough to prep lunch veggies for the week, and I want to.


I’m set now. Potentially, I might be set for breakfasts for up to two weeks, and some lunch stuff to boot! Productivity feels SO good.

Keili Thorne

It all looks DELICIOUS
I remember reading about a time when you struggled to be confident about baking… and now you are here making so many good things!
Yay for growth, progress, and conquering challenges 🥳💃🏼💪


You are not wrong! I REALLY have not felt confident in the kitchen. Probably EVER. But its starting, and I’m trying to run with it! Thank you for such an encouraging comment!! 💜