I was feeling a bit yucky yesterday morning, but I blew past it, figuring I was just hungry or hadn’t slept as well as I could’ve. Just a little queasy.
Mid day, I had a few *ahem* symptoms show up, and it was clear that food wasn’t going to solve this issue.
I went to see my doctor in the afternoon to talk about a handful of different things, such as changes in my body and my skin that I wanted to take note of. She wrote me up a bit of blood work, but I opted to go straight home after my appointment rather than to the blood lab. I was feeling too gross.
When I got home, my mom had dropped Dekker off from school, and he had just finished up his homework. The stretch between school and supper tends to be the most trying time in our house, and Brady lovingly sent me upstairs for it. He wrangled the kids and did supper for everyone. He brought me a grilled cheese sandwich, which I ate, but my burps still tasted like boiled eggs. A delicious thought, isn’t it? It was pretty gross.
Brady ducked out for a couple of hours after the kids went to bed, but first, he ran me a bath and set up the laptop in there so I could watch some YouTube. It was SO nice! But the longer I hung out in there, the grosser I felt, and it was time to head to bed. Also, I was getting chilly as the bath cooled off. As soon as I stood up, I felt a hefty wash of nausea, so I abandoned the bathroom and flopped into bed, all wet, with the tub still filled with water, the laptop in there, etc. I had enough smarts to grab my phone, so I snuggled into bed and watched tiny YouTube and dozed in and out. It was cozy, actually.
When Brady came home, he disassembled the bathroom I had left in a mess, and came to bed with me. I was SUCH a dope, and SUCH a whiner, but he was very understanding.
The night was a full stretch of tossing and turning. I took gravol a couple of times, which I pretty much never do, except tomorrow was the first day in weeks that Brady needed to be at work for the full day, with next to no wiggle room. I HAD to be on for the day, and with that, I needed not to vomit on anyone or feel disgusting.
So needless to say, it was a choppy night and I’m very tired today. But, I did it!! This morning, I got everyone up and ready in time to drive them ALL to school. I woke Wavy and bundled her up, fed her, and chased after the others. I know, its basic mom stuff, but today, I am not the strongest I’ve ever been, wow! Its been a LONG morning.
Honourable mention goes to Dekker. He got ready seamlessly with no nagging from me. He knew I was feeling gross, and he crushed it this morning. When I was on the hunt for a misplaced library book, Dekker was already bundled in the entrance. I told him he was a bit early, but he wasn’t concerned. He hung out there and helped the others with their jackets and boots as they migrated down. It was AWESOME, and a huge help to me!
Since getting home from dropping the kids off at school, its not been the smoothest. I’m SO weak and tired, and understandably, the kids need things, and they need me.
It is not my best day. I am frustratingly imperfect.