The Wind Whirls

I haven’t had a day quite so all over the place as today was in quite a while! But WOW does that wind whirl!

First thing in the morning, I took one of the babies to the hospital for an eye appointment. It has been a long time since we were there with Dekker, scouting out his crossed eyes, trying to figure out our next step with that. We saw a female optician named Brady, which I thought was pretty awesome, and then did drops, and waited for the doctor. It was a successful appointment, and all good news! Thank goodness!

I rushed home and took calls along the way. I came home to Cher and the other baby. THANK YOU CHER!!! Cher was feeling cruddy and went home fairly quickly, and I got the babies lunching. I did some correspondence for the school musical and then got the babies to bed. Once they were in bed, I attempted to feed myself before I had a phone call with my doctor. She and I spoke for over an hour, and covered the bases of three different kids who need some extra attention. New med decisions were made, and some plans were put in place for followup. As soon as I got off the phone, I had to rush to get my butt out the door to drive to the city yet again, this time to pick a baby up from a visit. Both of the babies at home were fast asleep and I had no time to spare. I ran outside to start the van and, naturally, I had like eight bags of groceries on my step 😅 none of which could wait until my return home.

In a panic, I called my mom and she lovingly came to my rescue and put my groceries away so I could get the babes and beetle on in.

I made it in time, fielding yet further calls from multiple medical people. It just wouldn’t stop today!

I came home right as the kids got home. Dishes got done. Piano got practiced. I did some emailing to our doctors office. I worked on a list I’m sending to some birth parents. I made supper and got it on the table. Brady wasn’t home in time for supper, as he had a last minute CT scan in there somewhere.

But he made it home in time to say hi to the kids before they took off to clubs!

Now, we wrangle the babies, one of which is SO dysregulated, the whole place is up in arms. Whew! Now, the blog is done. So thats one thing off my list. Still a few things to take care of this evening – more emails for the musical and HOPEFULLY tidying up the island. And maybe filling some cookies if I can get there. But that might wait for tomorrow also. There are only so many minutes in a day and I can’t help but feel like I have filled WAY too many already today. Tomorrow is another day. Thank goodness.

Once the kids are home, and tucked, and the babies are down, and LD is asleep, Brady and I will eat and fall asleep immediately! For about half an hour before LD is back up 😅

Make. The baby. Sleep. SOMEONE!