- Brunch. We had my mom over for waffle brunch this morning. That includes waffles with whipped cream and other basic toppings, bacon, and coffee. It usually includes some kind of fresh fruit salad, but we were officially out of fresh things. And frankly, sometimes an indulgent treat works too. Mom came around 9:30, and the kids were so happy to see her! She was immediately hijacked to the couch to read stories and look at pictures they had colored. It felt normal, and homey. Waffle brunch with company is always a highlight!
- Naps. Naps were different today, and actually pretty awesome! Dekker was having a pretty hard morning, and told me through tears that he hadn’t slept very well the night before. I told him I thought having a nap might help. I said he wasn’t in ANY trouble, but the rest would make him feel so much better for the rest of the day. To my surprise, he agreed! So ALL THE KIDS NAPPED!!! Brady and I ate lunch upstairs, in bed, and watched tv on the laptop. It. Was. Awesome.
- An outing! The kids woke up in considerably better moods, and we told them we were going to head to the city for some groceries. You probably know by now, but our kids LOVE grocery shopping! Running errands is their jam. So that makes it fairly easy to take them out to those kinds of places. Right now, errands are also my jam because I love wearing Wavy in a carrier!
They got all dressed while I fed Wavy, and off we went. We started with Costco and stocked up on fresh things for the week, as well as picked up a few staples and some things we need for next weekend. And miiiiilk! Does anyone else buy five jugs at a time? Just us? Ok cool. We made a quick supper stop and headed to Walmart for the rest of our groceries. We usually hit Superstore rather but we have our few select things we get from Walmart, and they have been waiting on the list for so long that they were the majority of our list this time. So we did that next. Didn’t quite get all we came for, but we did ok. We headed home and made it home before the kids bedtime!
- A visit 🙂 I LOVE how many people have been coming by to see Wavy since she’s been born, and today, she got to meet yet another admirer/friend of hers! A friend who is rarely nearby happened to be this evening, and timing worked out perfectly!! It was SO nice to have a visit, albeit short, with friends who I never, ever see. In person is just so much better than online, but I’ll take what I can get. Not to mention, she brought us the AMAZING gift of some freshly butchered lamb and a big garden zucchini! Food gifts, guys. These are some of the best kinds of gifts for us!!! But besides the gift, its such a treat to chat with good people about real life stuff while passing a baby around.
- A soak in the tub. No day is complete without one, you know 😉 It is truly the best way to finish the day off. Possibly with snacks. I’m still loving the fun cheeses we bought for Wavy’s party. Also plain Lays chips. And fudge from the lake. I should probably eat less directly before bed…
I say it again. This kind of day just flows SO nicely. I LOVE when days go like this. When we have stuff to do, but not too much, and no one is bored. When the food is good. When the company is loving and warm, and go out of their way to come. When the kids can wind down to music videos before bed, because they earned them. When the house is a nice temperature to fall asleep in. When your family is happy and thriving. These are important days to remember, especially on the days when all you can see is chaos, stress, and absolutely nothing and no one is cooperating. I am SO thankful for today and everyone who played a role in it.