The last couple of days have been bigger with Brady working late and early, trying to get a large bid arranged at Zaks. The last couple of days, I also haven’t had much of a voice at all. So its been a fun challenge to communicate with all eight kids at once with no voice on my own without breaks! 😅 I tease. Its just life, but its felt extra wearing these last couple of days. Yesterday evening, I took them all in to bring a baby to a visit. First we hit Nordon Medical, which I cannot say enough nice things about. Seriously. If you need medical supplies, that is the place to go. So I went across the city to Nordon, and then back to the NW end for the visit. And then to Walmart, as you do, when babies need jammies, big kids need shoes, and moms need baking ingredients.

Once Walmart was taken care of, we headed to get supper. It was at that point that we figured Brady wouldn’t come in and join us. He hadn’t left work yet, and if he did, he’d barely make it in time to eat with us and drive home. It didn’t make sense. So he kept at it and I got the kids fed. I ordered at the window instead of on the app, so I forgot to order myself anything 😅 But Dekker is a sweetie, and shared some fries with me. He sits in the front seat now 💜 Because he’s all adult and stuff.

We were mostly done eating but the visit wasn’t quite over, and Rowan was starting to get pretty antsy, so he asked to come snuggle with me while we waited out the end of the visit. That kid is NOT getting smaller, I’ll tell you that!!

The visit ended on time and we retrieved our little sweetie before heading back home.
Thank the Lord for a husband who was home, and feeling accomplished and prepared. He was tired, of course, but not kid tired. You get it, right? He had headspace for them when I was feeling quite worn, so I was greeted by a smiling, willing man who had ran me a bath and promised me supper once the kids were down.
And he provided! I had a nice soak let my voice finally rest for a little. I tucked Rowan in, because he really wanted me to, but Brady did everything else.
Today, I can have at least a little rest time in the day, assuming the babies allow it. I’ve got my peachy jammie pants on, my “indoorsy” sweatshirt, and a blanket with campers to snuggle with. Solly has his first piano lesson today! Rowan has his second parkour class today! And we have a welcome back thing at the high school in the evening. So I’ll have to be a human for that, but not before!
So first. Post this post. Then, get the babies up, because they’re all moving around. Then breakfast and coffee. Hopefully some playtime and relaxing, and naps not too far off. Maybe I’ll crochet at some point. There is still much to accomplish this week but I so badly want to be well for the weekend up at the lake, and I’m determined to let my body rest and recover!!
Todays the day to hopefully put my feet up a little.