Laela and Rowan are commonly referred to as the twins around here, because they have so many similarities! They used to be the same height and same weight, with similar hair color and expressions. Of course, they’re older, look different, act somewhat different, and Rowan has quickly surpassed her in size, haha! But they remain my twins, because it just works.
Today I had an opportunity to have one on one time with each of them! This week is nuts for appointments, meetings, responsibilities, and everything else, so I find myself in the city a lot. Today, we took a baby in for a visit, and Brady came to meet us in the Walmart parking lot after work. We got there around the same time. We tried to go in for a shop as a family but it was clear that one of the babies was not having it. So we decided to split up. Brady was going to take the group to pick up supper, and I would stay and do the shop. Laela asked to stay with me, so we did Walmart together. It was really really nice 💜 We got groceries for camp this weekend, and then worked hard to put together a present for someone we love! We finally found five nice items, a gift bag, and a card. We sat outside and put it all together while we waited for the gang to pick us up.

We ate our supper in the van, and went to pick up after the visit. At that point, we went to retrieve Brady’s minivan, and Rowan and I split off from the group to hit Costco quickly. Bradys idea, which was SO nice. Some one on one time with Rowan doesn’t happen too often, but it was a nice opportunity for it, and we also needed to get a few things there. Nothing big. Just a little. Just us. He was stoked to be singled out 💜 I get how that feels.

We shopped and got just about everything on our list! Though they haven’t had the good bacon bits in a while :/ Whats that all about?! Lame. Anyway. We did see…

We did pretty good and got through in what felt like decent time. But wow has the season changed! We got there in the sun and left in the dark.

We came home and I unloaded and put away our purchases, and Rowan settled in for a short 15 minutes of wind down before it was bedtime. I can’t believe its already after 10pm. I am positively dragging, and the next days have FOUR commitments EACH! 😵 Wish me luuuuuck!