After lunch, Rowan napped while the kids played, and watched some tv. Brady relaxed after FINALLY reloading the laptop, and I sorted through our tub of 0-6 month boys clothes. I pulled out all of the 3 month stuff, and chucked it haphazardly into the drawer that will be for the new baby that already has a pile of newborn stuff in it. Dekker never had the chance to wear newborn, but Rowan did. Tho Rowan was born a week early, as this baby will likely be. That all being said though, if Dekker had been born a week before he was, I still don’t know if he would have worn newborn, so we’re just trying to be prepared for anything! It was so fun to pick thru the box and see sleepers that Dekker wore, tshirts that we bought when Rowan was fresh, and adorable little stripey hoodies! I can’t wait for him to come. Less than six weeks now!
Once Rowan woke up, we got dressed, and headed out to Superstore. I know, we JUST grocery shopped! But we planned for a couple of meals in the next few days that require a lot more fresh stuff than we tend to have on hand. We’re a family that usually buys something in bulk and then eats the same thing for a while, but we needed more of a variety this time. Anyway, to the grocery store we went! We did the whole shop before going to get cookies for the kids at the bakery. Laela even remembered from last time to say “Can I have a cookie, please?” rather than just her COMPLETELY ACCEPTABLE “Cookie please?” But hey, if she can form the whole sentence, why not say it?? All of the kids got their cookies and were very polite and happy. I can’t get enough of Rowan’s cookie face!!
We did a quick Costco run as well, but the kids were sleeping in the van, so I just ran in and grabbed a cart load of things while Brady drove around the parking lot.
When we got home, we unloaded groceries and threw some pizza in the oven. Putting away the groceries was an interesting challenge. We were so used to having a second fridge in our old house, and its been so strange not to have one in our rentals. Our second fridge was, however, a total beast, so it didn’t make the trip to storage. We’re realizing now that we are going to NEED a second fridge in our new house! I suppose this is the time when we start keeping an eye out for sales. Or I suppose garage sale day is coming up soon! Thats an option too 🙂 Either way, I’m VERY thankful to have an incredibly appropriately named cold room in this house, because our big bags of potatoes and carrots didn’t have homes in our fridge.
I’ve been having lots of contractions this week, so I’m taking a load off in bed while Brady and the kids tidy up the toys. I’ve got to rest this body with the work we have ahead of us! More cabinet assembly tonight!! I will admit that our first two cabinets were GRUELLING to put together, but they were the lesser quality and much more frustrating to build. Now that we’re into the kitchen cabinets, they are WAY more fun and far easier to assemble and build! Brady and I are both eager to get started on them again this evening 🙂 So I’ll rest up now so I don’t pay too badly for it all later.
I hope you all enjoy your Saturday tomorrow! Brady will begin his first stage of finishing in OUR HOUSE tomorrow!! I can’t wait to see it!