So last night, I said that we were moving Rowan out of our room and switching up the way we do nights. I know its a big controversial topic, so thanks for not pouring on the hate. I’m all for people not doing things the way we do, but thanks so much for not ripping us apart over our parenting decisions. Win for everyone! Including Ro 🙂
We moved him out last night, and gave him a little space heater nearby and everything. He had a nice big bottle before bed, and he even took a big poop right before he went down, so we knew the likelihood of him waking up to poop at 4am was slimmer. So we were hopeful. Right off the hop, he cried, because he was somewhere new, but it didn’t last long at all. He was nice and tired. When he had fallen asleep, we put the monitor on a standby mode, which we don’t have on our other one. This way, its basically off until he wakes up and moves around. Then it turns itself back on. Basic enough concept, just new to us. We like it 🙂 Then the screen isn’t bright all night. Rowan slept thru the entire time we were up and around. In the night, we woke up to him twice. The monitor would click on and we’d see him kind of moan and roll over, and then it would go back on its standby mode almost immediately, because Ro wasn’t “up” as much as just shifting. He did that twice. And that was it!!! No big devastating midnight wailing session or anything! Not to say that won’t ever happen in the this next stage of sleep training, but we are reasonable people also. We know his cries, and we’re not just heartless fiends who will never go check on him or console him at all. But last night, we didn’t need to. When Brady woke up for work in the morning, he could actually use the bathroom without having to worry as much about his light sleeping son waking up, which was a nice relief for him, I’m sure. It felt SO good to sleep so soundly! For everyone. Its been this way with all of our kids. There are usually a couple of difficultish nights, but our kids sleep better in a different place than with us. They just always do. They rest deeper and longer and so do we! So last night was a HUGE win! We loved it. I hope Rowan always poops right before bed.
This morning, the monitor clicked on once or twice, but just so very briefly. When I did go over to check on Rowan, he was sitting in the corner of his playpen, quietly chewing his blanket, happy as a clam! Everyone was in GREAT shape this morning! It was nice confirmation that we’d had a successful night and that we’re on the right path with things.
Yay, Rowan! Way to sleep on your own like you’ve been doing it forever!! Thanks for the full nights sleep!
Such good news!😊
Yes, it felt like a win. Hopefully we get another tonight!