Although one would argue that a door is just an entrance or an exit
A door is many things
It opens and closes like a book
It symbolizes transitions and restrictions; movements and changes
How you use a door can make memories
When you open it for the first time, when it is slammed
When it is opened with anticipation
Or closed for the very last time
A door gives security
You can lock it
You can close it when the winds and rain come
You can hide behind it when a stranger approaches
A door can give you excitement
When you see your best friend holding it open
Or children bursting through it happily
It can give you uncertainty and fear
When it is closed behind someone going for surgery
You look at the door, not the walls
When will they come through that door again?
I’m so glad they came through that door again.
A door can bring relief
When you see someone you love come through it
And stay
The house with the purple door was good to so many
It was a landmark
A home
A gourmet restaurant
A place for healing and growing
New beginnings
Some endings
But always love.