Yesterday was one of the smoother days we’ve had recently, even with our errands, and no one having a good solid nap. They did great. Going into bedtime, I was nervous that the beautiful, happy streak of fun would be broken. But it wasn’t! We changed diapers, put on jammies, brushed teeth, etc. and everyone was content and cooperative. I changed Rowans diaper and pulled him back up, and instead of running off, like always, to go hide in someone’s bed, he just stood really close to me, so I hugged him, and he hugged me. It was a good, soft, yummy hug that he didn’t cut off for a nice long while. When he did, he stayed really close to my face. And this can mean a couple of different things for Rowan. Either he wants you to kiss him, or he wants to kiss you, or he wants to rub noses. Haha! So I waited, and he rubbed noses with me, and kissed my nose, and my cheek. It was adorable. I smooched him back, and he came in for another hug. At that point, Dekker bellowed “Group huuuuug!” and he and Laela rushed over!
Usually in this scenario, it gets really rowdy and more like a wrestling match than a hug, but that was not the case this time. My husband, bless his heart, took pictures.
Many kisses were shared in this little group hug. It was a giggly, happy circle. The kids were SO soft in their jammies and in their hearts. Just the best hug ever!!! Too bad Solly couldn’t figure out how to join in :/ I’m sure we’ll get him next time.
I know there may come a day when my kids don’t want to hug and kiss their parents, and I’m going to soak it up every single chance I get!!