We did not go to the lake this weekend.
I know. Its SO unlike us.
Weeks ago, we planned with Tom and Rae to join them at their camping spot this weekend! They even included Cher 💜We’ve all been looking forward to it, and it did not disappoint. It is a very private, secluded piece of land that they, along with a couple of their friends, have transformed into a little oasis. There is comfortable housing, delicious food, friendly people, low expectations, and quad rides to last a lifetime. No big agendas. It is very restful there.
Tom and Rae brought the kids bikes from home in their truck, so the kids ripped around from place to place, treat to treat, hunting down their next quad-driving victim, all the while dodging wasps. What is up with the wasps this year?! Yikes they’re terrible!!!
I don’t have too many pictures of our time there, but I can show you a couple from the way home.

These two were TUCKERED OUT! Solly didn’t even make it to the highway. Wavy was maybe 20 minutes after him. They were wiped. The others were awake, but intensely quiet almost the entire drive home. It was perfect. We knew we had run them hard.
We came home right at suppertime, and my mom faithfully arrived right around 5:30, armed with hot rice and curry, cooked carrots, and watermelon. Not only did we not have to cook, but we got to eat GOOD homey comfort food! Thank you, mom!
And thank you, Tom and Rae, for having us to your spot once again, and for driving the point home that we are family. We are SO grateful to call you ours, as well.
What a beautiful weekend.