Yesterday was our first significant snowfall. It may or may not stay, but I won’t be surprised if it kicked around. I’m fine with snow. Snow is pretty and refreshing and it kills bugs before they get gigantic. I see the value. I struggle with the things that come with the snow. Wind, ice, bad driving, being chilled to the bone twenty-five hours a day, etc. Its not my favorite. However, my big kids were not put off at all by the snow!
Dekker and Laela go for a walk together most days. They both put in extra efforts to have that time to spend together in the evenings, and I want to nurture that the absolute best way I can! Yesterday, they were very eager to go get out in it 💜

When they got back, Laela told me they went to the school, found a snow covered sidewalk, and drew pictures in it, making the other guess. I thought that was really, really cute.
These two compete for the spot of the oldest absolutely every single day. But these walks are their time where they build their very real friendship, and I love that SO much.
They’re terribly cute. They always have been.

I’m so happy they’re building a solid foundation of a friendship 💜 I hope it lasts absolutely forever!