Today was Solomon’s last day of preschool. Being the overwhelmed wreck that I am, I have no cute “last day of school” pictures of him on the step, or anything like that. I missed out completely on getting his amazing teacher a gift, and I didn’t even drop him off or pick him up. Today feels like a first class fail for me being the mom of a preschooler. Yet, I’m trusting that he is still so happy, and somewhat oblivious to the fact that I have been somewhat disconnected from his preschool experience for the past few months. I trust my friend who volunteered to drive him every day is happy to do so. I trust that his teacher knows how much I appreciate her and ALL she has done for Solly. I’m trusting that someday in my future, I won’t feel this overwhelmed.
Yet, time keeps moving forward. My youngest children aren’t so little anymore.

They are hardly little anymore. Solly’s fifth birthday is coming up. Wavy will be three this summer. They’re both becoming so independent and responsible. Solomon has really been embracing the older brother role for Waverly, which hasn’t always been the case. He is ON it now, and she is less interested in being the “little” sister as much as she is determined to keep up to him.
Wolly and Wavy are such a beautiful pair, I can’t help but wonder if she will feel a little lost without him home next year. It’ll be her turn soon enough.
Slow down, sweet kids. Time is moving WAY too fast.