The MOST Successful Errand Run

We are kid-free today, thanks to the always lovely Rae and Tom 💜 What a huge gift these days are. For us, and for the kids.

Usually, these days are spent with our heads down, working on our projects, uninterrupted. They are amazingly productive days! This time around, however, we decided to run some errands. Errand days can get pretty hairy with the kids, though we’ve done it many many times. But this is MUCH easier. Plus, we knew the van would be a little extra full, so this was easier. We took advantage of the day off and headed into Saskatoon as soon as the kids were off!

I’ll be honest. It didn’t start off well. We were given a Costco giftcard a while back, and we were SO excited to spend it on a Camp Chef grill for the lake! However, the north location had none in stock. We were pretty disappointed, as they were for sure spotted there just the day before. I was fine to take the loss and keep on moving. So we did.

Next was Cabela’s in search of a good camping chair. Brady needs to be pretty careful with how he sits nowadays, so we’ve been on the hunt since last spring to find the perfect chair. Cabela’s had so many so recently, but that parking lot was fuller than a Walmart on Christmas Eve, and the once full camping chair section was scarcely stocked. Another loss, and off we went.

At that point, I had hoped to hit Michaels, and then we were going to go home. Brady expressed he would rather go south and try their Costco, and then maybe the Walmart or Home Depot would have chairs to try. So I figured we’d get Michaels on the way back, and we went south!

Guys. It was worth it.

Costco was first. And they had our grill!!

Truly, that grill was the biggest deal. We really wanted to get our hands on one before they all sold out. So we bought it, as well as some swim shorts for Brady, and then headed on our way. A generous stranger in the parking lot helped load the grill into the van. That kind of thing really makes a difference for us. We need more of those.

Then we went to Walmart, and had even MORE success!! Brady found a chair that checks all the boxes. He needs something that actually scoops his bum and holds him in there. None of those nice Costco director style chairs for him. He just slides out! So this chair had a tilted seat, plus lower back support. Its had to find both, but we did! Naturally, we found it while Cher was calling other stores and inquiring about what they had that would provide the right amount of support for her newly paralyzed brother 💜 So because she did ALL the work, of course we found it elsewhere 😆 Isn’t that just how it works?

Aaaaand while we were there, I found an elusive shade of blue (ebluesive?) yarn that I needed for my most recent tartan order! So that can begin anytime! Woot!

Walmart was also paid for on a gift card!

There was still yarn I needed, however, that wasn’t at Walmart, so we headed back into the centre of Saskatoon and hit Michaels.

I got everything I needed!! So much cotton for so many things. Soft blue for a blanket. And some fine, satiny yarn for scrunchies! Or, if you ask Brady, scrunches.

Finally, we had done everything we set out to do. So we stopped for selfies and lunch.

And by lunch, I definitely mean frosties and fries. Because we’re teenagers.

It was an incredibly successful day. We made it home recently, and its safe to say I’m pooped! But now I get to do some work in the comfort of my room, and watch some Netflix. Three-ish more hours until the kids are home! And then bedtime. And then band practice! Whew! 😅 Big day!