The Morsel and the Coleslaw

It was beautiful out today. Windy enough that it kept us all in denial about how much sun we were all getting. 

A day of good food and friends and even some crocheting. Not by a fire, of course 😩 c’mon rain!! 🌧️ but it was still absolutely lovely. 

The highlight came about this evening. After a potluck supper, we made our way back to our site, and the morsel was toddling around on the deck. Without warning, the morsel pulled a messy plate from supper down atop their head, landing up with a face pull of coleslaw dressing. When I ran over to rescue aforementioned toddler from themselves, little feet stomped the plate and spread the coleslaw yet further. My efforts to clean the baby were in vain as it wiggled away from me, much more interested in eating the goldfish crackers left on the floor of the deck. All in all, it was a hysterical “throw your hands up and let it go” kind of laugh. It felt good to laugh big. I would give just about anything to share pictures on here but you’ll just have to take my word for it, I suppose. It was absolutely adorable 🥰 

Time for bed. We are all tired but the kids are coping quite well actually 💜 thank you Lord for giving us things to laugh about and enjoy, even when we’re dog tired and going through all kinds of things. You ALWAYS take care of us.