For the next two hours, he proceeded to talk, sit up, play, wake his sister, and general act up. It was infuriating. I was wide awake, desperately trying to shut him down. On a normal night, I would have likely given up and left him to his own devices, knowing Laela would possibly go back down once he woke her, and that life would go on, and thats just what happens when little kids share a bedroom. But we had plans to go into the city later in the day and I needed the kids to not be totally shot. They were eventually both back to sleep around 6:30. My poor body. It seems to kind of depend on those nighttime hours to make it possible for me to walk the next day without excruciating pelvic pain and the sort, and I lost many of those hours. I have no idea how you mothers of non-sleepers do it. I did get another hour in before we were all up for the day, but very literally all day, I felt as though I could (and likely would) burst out into tears at any moment. Suuuper unstable and emotional. Hormones! Yay!
I was fading badly in the morning while the kids played, and knew I wouldn’t make it through the day with the way I was feeling, so I put the kids down for their nap about a half hour early, in hopes that they would actually fall asleep and sleep for a couple of hours before we left, so we could all be a little bit refreshed. Magically, it worked! Both kids were asleep within minutes. I gathered up a big bowl of cucumbers and tomatoes, threw some cottage cheese and sunflower seeds on top, and wolfed it down in hopes that it would bring energy. It was delicious, but I knew it wasn’t enough, so I indulged in a brownie. Then I lay in bed and dozed a bit while Friends played on Netflix. When it was about 2:30, I got myself ready at a nice relaxed pace. I got dressed and put my makeup on, and made a bit of noise to lull the kids. Right around 3:00, it was their turn to get up.
Dekker was ready and excited to get up. Laela, on the other hand…
…was trashed in the cutest little stretched out position that there ever was. I got Dekker ready and dressed first as Laela slowly woke up. Dekker woke her with his sweet little high-pitched call, and I got her all cute and ready as well. We hit the road right around 3:30, which had been the original goal. Yay for getting two kids out the door on time!
We met Brady in a parking lot near his work and left his work van there so we could run all of our errands together, which we all prefer. We started at Dr. Mikes office, where he assured me I was in better shape than the last time he’d seen me, and then proceeded to hurt me anyway. My poor pelvis. Just a few more weeks of the craziness! Brady entertained the kids in the van while I was in my appointment.
Then we hit the mall nearby, which was by far our most successful chunk of shopping day, in my opinion!
My mom had tipped us off that Dawgs was having a really good sale on everything in the store, including the cute little slip on shoes for kids. I loved the idea of getting Laela some cute sparkly slip ons and something new for Dekker as well, since he hates sandals and is in runners all summer. Brady could also use a pair of something to wear through the houses he works in once the flooring is installed. He currently rocks slippers, which works, but we figured some Dawgs would be nicer on his back. So all of that considered, we figured we’d duck in and see if we found anything. We got to the mall right as Jerilee got off of her shift at work, so she met us at the store and we all shoe shopped together. Best. Haul. Ever.
Besides the two pairs that Jerilee bought, our little family ended up with seven new pairs of shoes, and we paid $50. Unbelievable. Of all the shoes though, Dekker LOVED his blue ones! He ended up wearing them out, and he ran instead of walked for the rest of the evening. He was invincible, and he loved it. Seriously, a HUGE win! I’m just kicking myself a little bit that I didn’t inquire more about colors for Laela. I tried to get her another color or two, but out of what I asked for, this is all they had for her. But I should have asked about the more neutral ones. Oops. Oh well, pink is cute!
After Dawgs, we parted ways with Jerilee, and we hit up Superstore. I bought a few new products that I’m really anxious to try over the next little while, as well as some much-needed groceries. It wasn’t a big shop at all, but big enough to justify cookies for the kids. As per usual, they were very happy to get their treats. While we waited in line to pay for our stuff, I crouched down for some face time with my son, and he gave me a big kiss before sticking his cookie into my mouth. Now, my boy is a very sweet boy, but sharing a cookie is a pretty big deal. I made a really big show of it and gave him lots of hugs and kisses. What a generous soul.
Since they were already eating, Brady dropped me off at a different mall to take advantage of a great deal that Thyme Maternity had, and he drove to a nearby restaurant and grabbed some food for all of us. They came back and picked me up, and we ate in the van. I had bought three shirts at Thyme and paid $30. A VERY good deal!
Our last stop was Costco, and the kids were fading pretty hard. Also, I was really feeling my chiropractic treatment, and was having trouble walking without walking the wrong way, which does more damage in the end. No waddling for me. So I stayed in the van, but Dekker really wanted to do Costco, so he and Brady did it together while Laela and I hung out in the van and ate a few more french fries.
The kids slept the whole way home and cried through us putting them in jammies. Poor tired kids. But they are now down, and I am more than ready for a soak in the tub! My poor aching body, haha! I have a co-dependant relationship with my bathtub.
And as I previously mentioned, I have the same relationship with the brownies on my counter. Yum…