Our backyard has been an absolute disaster for a while now. Once the front yard was getting established, it felt like we had finally jumped a big hurdle. Unfortunately, the backyard was a MUCH bigger hurdle, and with everything on the go over here, that sucker has been neglected! Not to mention, the kids have been playing at the park more often these days anyway, because of the spray park. So the backyard hasn’t been missed. But WOW its bad. BAD.
A few days ago, I noted that some of the weeds had positively exploded and were as tall as the fence! We absolutely canNOT have that! So we did some brainstorming, thought about hiring it out, and finally settled on me getting frustrated and just going out there and starting to pull them all out.
For a fairly small yard, there were a LOT of weeds. My first attempt was feeble at best. Dekker came out to help me without any prompting, and he grabbed us both some gloves and brought me the empty rain barrel to load up with weeds. We worked for a while until our cute neighbour poked her head up over the fence and offered to bring her trimmer over! I told her I was worried the big weeds might take her trimmer down, but she insisted she come and try. So she ate supper, and showed up with her whipper and her safety glasses, game for anything!
We worked for a solid two hours. Me and her, Dekker and Laela. And got the entire thing mowed down!!!! I am SO relieved! It still needs help. 100% it needs help. But we could actually be back there now! And we can actually think about trenching for sprinklers at some point, eventually resulting in grass! Though I believe that has to wait for fall now. Right? Help…
It was a lot of work, but it was cute 💜

Dekker and Laela kept gushing about how much fun they were having, and they were working. It was such a pleasant time. I love when we can be super productive while also being happy. Thank you Lord for the gifts you give!