The List I Ignored

Brady and I use a list app between our phones called “To Do” where we can list about whatever we want. This is right up my alley considering the way my life is and how many things I simply cannot remember on my own. List are the name of the game!

There is one list simply called “Today.” It used to hold a list for a specific city trip, or perhaps a short list of errands for Brady to run after work. Things like that. But I believe it was coming into summer when I made that a list of things that needed doing in the house. As if by some miracle we would have all kinds of extra time, I figured I’d have a list of jobs or priorities to look at and be able to decide where to invest my time. 😂 Anyway, it didn’t take, and I completely forgot about that list of things that felt so so important.

Yesterday I went into that list to make a specific list for while we were in the city, and I was met with this long list of all these daunting tasks. And then I went through it and checked the bulk of them off!!

Finish garage outerwear ✔️
Baby proof kitchen ✔️
Small dresser for baby room ✔️
Move the Spoonful in with the Morsel ✔️
Mail Caitlin coffee (Ok, I didn’t mail it but I gave it to her this weekend so its still done!) ✔️
Buy buckets for cube shelves Went with different storage system ✔️
Order laundry machines (lol) ✔️
School supplies order ✔️
School supplies clean up ✔️
Hang mug shelf ✔️

ALL OF THOSE were done without me overthinking them, and it was absolutely such a relief! The list is not gone but it is much smaller. This was such a pleasant surprise to me, and while the last two weeks have been a total whirlwind, and the last couple of days carrying some downers, I welcomed the pick me up of being more productive than I thought I had been!

Anyway. Tomorrow we leave for camp. But first, a meeting with a social worker, two visits for the babies, and a school event! Whew! Somewhere in there, I’ll pack. Wish me luck!!! 🤞

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