Dekker’s newest accomplishment comes along with school. His class has started skating, and we had never taken him before! The first day of skating was last week, and I debated going to help tie skates and lend a hand, but my back pain was pretty out of control and I opted to stay home. Plus, I figured with Dekker being completely new at it, he might attach himself to me, and I didn’t want that to happen. Sometimes they just do better without mom and dad there, you know? So I asked him how it went after school that day, and he said he fell a lot but that he had liked it! Just yesterday, he skated for a second time. He excitedly told me after school that he still fell down, but less. Not too long ago, it was me saying stuff like that to him, reminding him that falling down is ok, and that he was improving, but he wouldn’t be able to see past falling and failure. But he is SO comfortable with it all of a sudden! I am SUCH a proud mama! My timid little boy is getting bigger and older and more confident with every day, and it is just so exciting to see it happen!
Laela has been working HARD on her letters! We bought her a pre-k workbook a while back, really just for fun, and she took to it quickly. She would be upset when “her homework” was done. She has since finished the work book and is asking for more, so we’ve started her on the kindergarten one. Just to practice writing letters and such. She already holds her pencil perfectly! The other day, she was done her page, and Dekker was still working on his homework, so she asked for more. Brady suggested she write out her alphabet. And guys, it is the CUTEST thing!!
Sure, things are a bit all over the place, and I think she missed a couple, but I’d say she did pretty stinking good!! This is one of her “pictures” that I’ll save forever. She melts my heart.
Rowan has been doing some crazy things recently! I think he’s just about ready to potty train!! He insists he won’t until he’s three, but thats just less than a month away now 🙂 He tells me the moment he’s peed or pooped, or if I’m lucky (or yucky) he tells me as its happening. Nothing like your kid standing beside you and telling you he’s pooping. And the smell grows as he stands there. And then he tells you he’s done. Thats a bit bizarre, haha! But he is suddenly VERY aware of bathroom stuff, and even once, completely out of the blue, asked to sit on the toilet and give it a try! While he didn’t end up using the toilet that time, I love that he tried and didn’t seem too nervous. I think its coming! We MAY suddenly only have one in diapers!! Eek!
Solly’s latest talent is maybe a little late to the game, but I’m still stoked 🙂 He waves and says “hi” and “bye” now! And sometimes he says “wave,” hahaha! Just about nothing thrills my heart as much as him running to the window to join the other kids as they wave someone off, and to see him waving too, saying “waaay bye bye!” He couldn’t be cuter, really. For those wondering about his speech, Solly doesn’t say a whole heck of a lot yet, but in the recent week or two, he has gotten VERY chatty! All baby babble, but LOTS of babble. Thats what Rowan did, too, when he was on the cusp of language, so I’m excited to see what comes up soon! He says a few of the easy words (mama, dada, ni-night) and he’s starting to “help,” which is cute. He puts his sippy cup away after a meal, and he is juuust starting to add a toy or two to the bin while the kids tidy up 🙂 Its starting! He’s becoming a legit toddler! I’m not ready.
I couldn’t be prouder of my kids and the strides they are making recently. I am completely thrilled with who they are, and who they’re becoming. What amazing little people I have in my family!