I haven’t updated anyone on my crocheting recently, so here I am, doing exactly that! Not in a photo-heavy way, but it still counts.

I think I’ve been quieter about it because I’ve felt a little weird about it. I’m making baby blankets these days. They’re just sitting. Waiting. To be gifted to babies who need them or who I want to bless. I’m not sure why I feel so pressed to do that these days, but I do. So, I am. And they are beautiful, if I do say so myself!
I have a couple of pending orders that I’m getting things organized for. I can’t quite find the colors I need, and since I have a bit of a longer timeline on them, I’m not diving in with colors that might work but aren’t ideal.
In the meantime, I actually was offered to test out a new pattern for a designer! Thats a VERY fun thing for me!! I’d show you a preview, but thats strictly against the rules, haha! Yes, there are rules. Its a very official thing. With being a tester, I am given a pattern in the state its in, and I’m to go through it, line by line, crocheting the product, and sending out any corrections I may have found. So I’m doing a good chunk of work, in this case, but I get the pattern for free, plus I feel I’m paying some dues in the world of crochet 🙂 Also, it was convenient that I could end up using a bunch of scraps without it just looking like a scrappy mess, hahaha! Usually scrap projects are pretty obvious, but this is all working out SO well! Get excited to seeeee iiiiiit! End of March, I believe, it when it should be released.
Aaaaanyway. I have some food things to do this morning before I duck out for an appointment! So. Many. Appointments. These days have been slammed full! Did I mention that three of the kids new glasses came in the other day? 😏 I’m waiting until they’re all in to share, but MAN its hard to wait! They are SO CUTE!!!
Happy Friday, folks!! 💜 Enjoy your reading week!