The Last Full Week

Today marks that last full week at home without the school kids before Christmas break. And guys – these are busy days! My goodness!

Of course we’re starting the week less productively than I was hoping, as I have a sickie at home. No Walmart shop for us!! How long do you let your kid be deaf before you bring him in to check for an ear infection? Because I want him well, but there are also just so many appointments in the near future! Ack!

This week holds two eye appointments, one counselling appointment, and one doctors appointment. The transit is getting its side window replaced this week (THANK GOODNESS!!) but it will be gone for three days 😳 Praise the Lord for loss of use insurance that is covering us for a rental in the interim. This week, I need to get Christmas cards mailed out, and ideally handed out around town, but that part can wait if need be.

I also need to write some cards to go with the Christmas pictures.

This Saturday is my Christmas date with Cher, where we’ll hopefully finish up all of our last minute shopping, all the while enjoying the bustle of the season and the time hanging out together πŸ’œ I still need to make a bit of a list and get organized for that day.

I still need to sneak a Costco shop in somewhere very soon. Ideally this week. But I’m not sure where πŸ˜…

I’m waiting for about a million parcels to come via courier, and I still need to wrap everything. Luckily I really enjoy wrapping Christmas gifts πŸ™‚ I’m excited for it!

I still have some baking and food prep I want to do. Party mix. Homemade oreos. Stuff like that.

Just writing this blog makes me sleepy πŸ₯±

Push through, Hailey! πŸ’ͺ There are some hours in this day, even if someone is sick!