We don’t always do a lot in the day, and I find I either have waaay too much to talk about, or literally nothing to talk about, or a whole heap of stuff I can’t talk about. You might’ve noticed my blog has changed a lot in the recent months to match the ebb and flow of our life. Thank you for bearing with me!
- Unrelated. Folks, it is “bear” with me. Not “bare.” “Bare with me” suggests getting naked together. I promise. Look it up. Spell it right.
We finally have a little bit to show for our last couple of days, so behold. Pictures of those things.
Two days ago, Brady and I took Wavy and Solly on a drive to Zaks Home Hardware in Warman in an effort to break up the day a little. We had good music. Brought treats. I crocheted, as always.

Brady is amped about some woodworking projects, and needed a couple of things to get started. Know what we went for?

Yes. Giant chopsticks.
Not actually, but almost. Also a couple of other things, but these were the main point of the trip.
Yesterday was a cute, relaxed day, too. Wavy was ULTRA sweet with her little ponytail.

Brady went to outpatient physio and occupational therapy on his own, which was new and exciting 🙂 Meanwhile, Cher came over and helped me rip apart a big crochet project because I wasn’t happy with the outcome. *sigh* It helped to have a friend. We watched a movie. Wavy looked so fly.

After physio, Brady hit Walmart for me to grab some yarn for a really exciting order I received!!

Who doesn’t love that red and black buffalo plaid?! 😍
Sixteen balls of yarn made it easy to justify a quick Home Depot run for him, and he got a few other small things he needed to kick off some projects. No pictures of that particular haul, sorry folks! You’ll just have to take my word for it.
The day went on like normal after that, and our family enjoyed a walk before bedtime.

Wavy learned how to skip. It is the BEST. Her knees go SO high, and her arms are WAY up in the air as she skips. I wish I had a picture but it was all captured on video. Tooooo bad.
By the end of the day, everyone was good and wiped out. Most of them were asleep by the time we put Dekker dow.

Wavy and her little piggy tho 😍I believe we’ll be moving her into her big girl bed this weekend. I know its a long time coming, but goodness. I can’t believe we’re going to be crib-less. What a strange time of life we’re in…
I hope you all have a happy long weekend, and whether you have fancy food or microwave dinners, whether you’re in a big group on on your own, whether you’re thriving or suffering, whatever the case may be, I hope you find a moment to reflect, and take note of what you’re thankful for without turning it around to see where your life lacks. Focus on the important things, if just for a moment, sometime this weekend.
Or today.
Or every day.
Whatever you have the mental energy for.
There is no judgement here.