This is probably dorky but I LOVE when my children develop new freckles, or as we call them at our house, dots. I think they’re such sweet little details, and so individual to each kid. Dekker was born with a birthmark on his leg, and Laela has some cute red spots on one of her feet, but the others weren’t born with any notable markings. As they grow and age, they change, of course, and they’re developing beautiful little dots 😁 These are my favorites!
Dekker is my mole kid, for sure. His freckles tend to pop a bit more and be a bit bigger. But the little dots on his face are so lovely. One is darker, obviously, but there are a handful of little light ones up by his eyes, too!

I know, they’re small, and hidden by his glasses most of the time, but man, I love his face dots. When they showed up, somehow he looked older.
He also has one on the bottom of his foot! I didn’t know that could even really happen, but in the last couple of years, I developed a new dot on the bottom of my foot! So apparently its normal!
Laela doesn’t have too many dots. She has one little sweetie dot in her armpit, excellent for tickling! 😆

All of her dots are delicate, just like she is. Its such a pretty little detail.
Rowan has some really nice dots! My favorite one in his smile line.

I don’t know what I love so much about it. Its like a secret dot. Sneaky, like him.
Solomon’s best dot is on his forehead.

I really like that it falls where his natural part falls, as though its meant to be seen! Again, like Dekker’s, its really small, and you’d likely never notice it, but I do. He is SO light and fluffy, and this is just such a tiny little detail.
Wavy has a dot on the back of each leg!

She’s had these for a really long time already, and I don’t know why, but they make me feel like she’s just SO much older. But she is SUCH a go-getter, and has big, grown up girl legs, so I guess it makes sense.
All of my children have accepted my dorky love for their dots, and often bring me teeny tiny little scratch marks or spots of dirt, exclaiming about their new dots. They are SO EXCITED when it actually does turn out to be a new dot that stays 🙂 I’m also so excited, obviously 😉 I love their details!!