And then I realized that this is actually just five days worth of jammies. Five days, fifteen pairs of jammies.
It was then that I inwardly almost rolled my eyes as I thought of all the things people say about having kids. Specifically, the negative things they say. More laundry, more dishes, broken sleep. Pee, poop, barf, drool. Tears, communication blocks, tantrums, stages. The list goes on.
I hope its not a surprise to you guys that my list is entirely different. I mean, lets be fair. That first list is incredibly accurate. Kids bring all of those things. With my three kids, in five days, we go through fifteen pairs of jammies, ten sets of dishes, maybe 35-40 bottles, and I’d say roughly 75 diapers. I break up a good handful of spats in a day and everyone cries at some point, or at many points.
BUT! Someone falls asleep on me every day. I get more three times kisses than the average person does in a day. Same story with hugs and cuddles. Every diaper change gives me an opportunity to tickle toes or blow raspberries on a soft little tummy. I can observe my children learning to play together in between their spats.
I had Rowan on my lap today and I was giving him kisses, and he was so wonderful! You know that stinky baby breath that babies get? Its stronger with my formula fed babies 🙂 I LOVE that smell. To me, thats the delicious baby smell that people talk about. Kissing Roro’s lips gives me all the opportunity in the world to smell him. His lips are some of the softest ones in the world, and my nose inevitably pokes his adorable, also super soft little cheeks in the process. In the process, I usually tease his lips with my nose and he does this hilarious head twitch, thinking its a bottle. But if I bug him enough, I can get him to smile. Smiling lips are good for kissing, as are drooly ones, milky ones, and one that are blowing bubbles.
My kids just seem to fill my senses some days. While today has been a busy day of laundry and crowd control, I can easily see why I signed up for this road that we’re on around here. Its the very best road I could have chosen, hands down, no contest.
Wonderful sweetheart. Just wonderful!