The Itty Bitty Beginning

Today was exactly as it should be – cozy, yummy, and spent in jammies. The kids ate well, played great, and scrapped very little. This was especially good because I spent a decent chunk of the morning on the phone. Between their breakfast and lunch, I had very few minutes actually interacting with them, but they did a wonderful job being independent and quiet. When they went down for their naps, I started to doze off. I figured I should actually take the opportunity, so I moved Rowan and I upstairs so we could sleep in our beds rather that in our beater recliner. However, once I laid him down, I woke up a bit and ended up just catching up on YouTube. It was a really comfortable first day back at home.

When Brady came home after work, he went to get Dekker and Laela up, and my cell phone rang. Do you know who it was? It was our very first call regarding the sale of our house 😀 It was very quick, and promised nothing, but it was exciting. The woman on the end of the call inquired about our price, number of bedrooms, etc. When she had our info, she said she would talk to her husband about potentially coming to see the place. And that was it. So as I said, it didn’t result in anything, BUT its the very beginning of hopefully selling our place and moving on to our next step in life!

I hung up and had a mini cry in my room. I was sooo excited, yet there really wasn’t anything to jump around about. Its so scary to see potential but have nothing to hold onto. Faith, guys. I’m working my butt off to have some semblance of faith about this whole thing. But He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak! I won’t lie, I feel incredibly flimsy at this time in my life. Lucky for me, God knows, and his promise to strengthen me is something I will happily accept!

So. The itty bitty beginning has come. I hope it quickly becomes the end of the house selling process.