Yesterday evening was tough, so we opted to go for an evening walk. Usually it helps, but I’ll be honest and say I was not feeling confident at all. I was very apprehensive. When we got outside, it was colder and windier than anticipated.

Everyone grabbed a hoodie or a spring jacket and we were on our way!

The walk was ok. At least for the first half. Wavy got upset about something on the way home, and we still had at least ten minutes of walking ahead of us. She cried the entire way home. Nothing would solve it. When we finally got everyone in the door, she agreed that it was time for bed. As I tucked her in, I reassured her that she wasn’t in any trouble, but that it was clear she needed to sleep. She responded with “Ya, I’m tired.”

Goodness she is SO gorgeous! 😍
Evening walks are not always flawless by any means, and sometimes they just can’t happen. But when they do, its SUCH a win and everyone sleeps so much better! Worth the effort, for sure!
Enjoy the sun, friends 💜 before the raaaaaaain!!