The Goals

Today is the kids second day of school, and now that they all know what to do and where to go, I have hopes for today being my first day to actually DO things!!

The big goals are as follows:

BAKE. I would’ve loved to start the school year off with all the baking I’d need to easily manage breakfasts and lunches, but as it happens, I ran out of time. So I hope I can do that today! 🤞 Eggs are on the counter, and butter is thawing. I’m ready!

CALENDAR. I haven’t filled in the calendar for the month yet, in part because I didn’t know all of the details yet, and also because (say it with me) I ran out of time. So hopefully I can do that today!

EXPENSES. Ugh. You hear about how foster care has a ton of paperwork, and so far, I’d say its actually really manageable, except that I am SO behind. Like SO SO behind. I started into fostering with such a complex case and was instantly behind, haha! It was not an easy kick off to learn on, thats for sure. So I have months to catch up on. I have a new system I know will be really good to implement, but I want to catch up before I start using it. So. I hope I can do some of that today. A social worker is coming out tomorrow, so I’d love to be able to put some forms in her hands.

This is aaaaall assuming the babies let me be productive today 😬 Wish me luck, guys!! Ack!!

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