The Ghosts of Kinasao

I happened upon a handful of GHOSTS at Kinasao last weekend, and unlike all of the lesser educated ghost hunters, I got pictures!!

😂 You have to know I’m kidding, right? Good.

The conversation of ghosts came up a number of times, as is unsurprising, since the insider began with the Dahlsjos. We were sharing the joke with another friend as Laela and Avery were decorating graham cracker nativity scenes, and our friend happened to be doddling with an edible pen on a marshmallow. And wouldn’t you know that marshmallow turned out not only to be A GHOST, but THREE GHOSTS!!!

Another notable ghost would be the one we saw during the light tour!! Rowan exclaimed “A GHOST!” But alas, it was a polar bear. Still, it counted, and I laughed really really hard.

Avery is a gift giver, and she crocheted each and every member of our family *gasp* A GHOST!!! Mine had purple features 👻💜

And to top the whole thing off, Sadie was squirming from the moment we arrived until she could sneak me away to open a gift she had for me. And wouldn’t you know this girly learned a new skill in order to make me something beautiful!!! 😍 I bet you’ll be surprised to learn its *gasp* ANOTHER GHOST! On the front of a cozy hoodie, no less 💜

How fortunate are we to have so many goofy jokes and so many beautiful things and so many lovely people all around us?? Amazing. Thank you Lord for all you have provided in this season.