I decided to keep Dekker home today. He was a little cautious after only making it a half day on Thursday, and I told him we could just take the long weekend and be ready to go again on Monday. He was all for that.
My loving mom came and took Laela to school on her way into Saskatoon this morning, and I spent the remainder of the day with Cher and the four kids. It was super relaxed and low key.
My mom had helped Dekker through a sewing craft on Tuesday, and he’s been itching to do another one, so she brought one over this morning. Dekker asked for it all morning, and was practically counting down until nap time, when I told him I could more properly help him along with it. He LOVES those stuffies!!

I ducked out to get Laela from school in the minus a thousand degree weather. It was brutal, but while I don’t love the cold of winter, I do enjoy getting back to the school once in a while and visiting with the teachers and other parents. Today, another parent shared his wisdom with me on collarbone stuff. I really appreciated that.
When I got home, I brewed some coffee and had a nice chat on the phone with my brother. When I came back upstairs from talking with him, Dekker was helping Laela with her green bag book ❤️

My heart!!!! Ack!
Also my heart, my littlest Miss is such a great mommy 😩

This makes me both happy and sad. She is SO snuggly and would be SUCH an amazing big sister 💜 Maybe someday.

Brady is now home, and we have an actual weekend coming up! I wish we could just rest, but likely we will spend the entire weekend keeping up with tasks I haven’t been able to maintain. And unfortunately, most of that will fall to Brady, but maybe I’ll tell you all about that soon. I’ve basically been babysat all week in an effort to heal my hands and wrists, so there is laundry piled up from Christmas that needs doing, and the whole house is a mess. Sooooo this weekend is dedicated to that! Wish us luck!