The Food This Weekend

We have aimed for extra ease this summer. Many things have not been easy this summer, both expected and unexpected things, so where we can make things a little easier, we have.

One of those things has meant we have used paper dishes at camp almost exclusively. We still use real cutlery, and sometimes cups. Bottles, of course. Sometimes pots or pans, but those tend to be disposable, too. Its just so much easier.

Another lovely helpful thing that has brought ease to our summer is our dear Dahlsjos taking on our group for supper every single Saturday. If you look at our weekend realistically, we only eat ONE supper at camp on a standard weekend, as we come a little too late on Friday, and leave before supper on Sunday. This has left us with VERY easy eating this summer!! Thank you, dear Dahlsjos, for such a gift.

So. Just a quick breakdown of the highlights of food this weekend!

Saturday supper a la Dahlsjo was breakfast for supper, which we LOVE. Cheesy eggs, hashbrowns, sausage, and bacon. This was also a great meal to feed the babies. Was an easy sell!

Lunch this summer has been sandwiches or snacky things. This particular lunch just looked SO good to me. I can’t pinpoint why, but I can assure you, ’twas delicious.

Aaaaand supper was a community supper of poutine!! I won’t lie. I found most of the topping options a bit weird for my liking, but I’ll never turn down bacon bits!

I did turn down the salad 🤣 I said yes to the ice cream, though, so 🤷🏼‍♀️ no regrets!

And can we all agree that eating outside just makes everything taste better?? 🥰 I’ll sure miss that when the season ends. Still a couple more weeks to go, we hope 🤞

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