Today I brought ALL of the kids to the doctor!! Thankfully, only two of them were actually being seen, but I had six in tow! Its been a long time since I took all five to the doctor, much less six! Hahaha! It was pretty cute, though. I think the waiting room was a lot quieter before we got there, but no one seemed put off.

When we all went into the exam room, the person who walked us back there was wide-eyed, but had a big smile on. She kept saying “This is so great!” I liked it, hahaha!
Dr. Guselle ran a bit behind, but I never mind that, because she doesn’t rush her patients. She takes all the time they need, and we receive that same care, if not more so than average. So we happily wait our turn, however late it may be, knowing we will get to ask every question, explain everything thoroughly, and enjoy a bit of banter. We love her.
She came in and seemed SO pleased to see absolutely everyone!

As hard as I worked, it was not our quietest appointment, but we got through it pretty simply. Rowan and Solomon were the patients today, so Dr. Guselle asked them a host of questions about their general health, as well as checked up on their medication and how they were doing on it. What was easier. What could use some improvement. Things like that. Everyone’s height and weight were good. Bathroom stuff good. No big pains or struggles. Everything checked out, and we left with an updated prescription, as well as some ultrasound forms for some swollen lymph nodes that have stayed swollen longer than any of us appreciate. Other than that, things are going swimmingly with the middle boys!
We left our personal sauna of an exam room after asking every single one of our questions and taking away any semblance of a lunch break our doctor may have had. She still managed to catch me and say some really kind things as the kids ran ahead. She is so lovely.
The morning was a whirlwind but we made it! Back home we went for lunch and a one hour rest before we head back into the city!! If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times – never a shortage of things to do!