I suppose today wasn’t actually the first snow, because, you know, January… But you get it.
Its fall! The cold season is upon us. And today marked the first snowfall of the season! What promised to be a beastly winter storm left merely a skiff of snow on the ground this morning. That being said, the kids had mixed feelings about the snow upon waking up, but WOW were they all jazzed to get out in it!!! 😍
GOOD THING Brady and I sorted winter gear yesterday because today was definitely the day we needed it! I’m not sure how we would’ve managed without it!

It was a VERY cute, colourful morning 💜 And I was proud of their positive attitudes, especially of those who rallied and accepted the day for what it was.
The day was peaceful. Iced capps and crafternoon with Cher 💜 Thank you Lord for keeping the sun out, making the day feel pretty.