So. We haven’t told you guys yet, but we are back to a party of ten 💜 We made it 3 weeks between placements, and we did have reasons for that. But the time was right and along came – named by Brady – the Quarter Pounder!

Yup. Since I can’t show you anything real, you’re getting AI 🤣
So now our babies range from a toddler down to a baby down to a little baby. It’s a little bit nuts, but man. We would not trade it for a minute 💜
QP only came to us Friday afternoon, and came with us to Kinasao. Though LD stayed home with grandma 💜 But the rest of us spent the first full day with the newbie at camp, which was fitting since that was the ONE family member who hadn’t been there!
I have this really nice picture of Brady sitting across the living room from me, bottle feeding a baby, and in the front of the picture you can see a bottle feeding baby on my lap as well. Its really really lovely 💜 Of course I can’t show you here 🙄 Such a bummer, though understandable. Anyway, I asked AI for help again, and it was a hoot 🤣 You’re welcome.

I gave up, lol!
So the gang is back up to ten. We are back to having two babies in our room. Three cribs in use. The kids are elated to have QP with us, but I will say my favorite response has been that of the Morsel 💜
The Morsel has been with us the longest of any placement, and you would think there would be some rivalry there. Some jealousy. But no. Not for a second. When I first introduced the two, the Morsel lit up with a big bright smile, just pointing eagerly at the baby. And when Brady got home from work, where the Morsel usually chases him down for a ride in the chair, rather, the chase was by a very eager toddler, pointing towards the new family member eagerly, needing to make sure dad saw. It was adorable.
Maybe we weren’t meant to give birth to more children, but I firmly own my belief that I was meant to be a large family mom. It doesn’t mean some days aren’t positively NUTS. I’m not happy every moment of every day. I don’t LOVE all the chaotic situations. But I am so content in my role. I am so grateful for every child that comes through our door, no matter how long they stay. I love the way our life is going.
Thank you, Lord, for answering our prayers and making this whole foster adventure a possibility.
Thank you for Brady.
Thank you for Dekker.
Thank you for Laela.
Thank you for Rowan.
Thank you for Solly.
Thank you for Wavy.
Thank you for the Morsel.
Thank you for the Lemon Drop.
Thank you for the Quarter Pounder.
I am SO blessed by every last one of these people.