It’s already been a full weekend here! It’s been so so good! Very much like home 💜
Priority one upon getting here was making sure the camper had wintered well. It had! What a relief! 😅The golf cart, however, was not working. Brady had babysat the batteries all winter so it would work quickly and easily. But it wouldn’t go. So yesterday we drove back to PA for some parts, and upon installing them, it still didn’t run! We charged it all night and this morning, it STILL wouldn’t run!!
I built a fire and Brady googled some trouble shooting. It wasn’t long before all the usual suspects from the campground showed up. It was SO good to see everyone! They gave us some tips on the golf cart and teased us about being on tv earlier this year 😂 It was so good to be among our lake friends!

Luckily, they had good insight and said EVERYTHING corroded so badly this winter. So a quick clean of all the connectors and the golf cart was up and running!! Thank the Lord!! We were a touch stranded without it!

We took a celebratory drive around the camp and down to the water. And by “water” I do mean ICE! Hahaha! Yikes! Will NOT be swimming in there anytime soon!!

We’ve returned to our site and continue to work at it. We have a lot of jobs we CAN do but only so much extra energy to put into them; so we’re choosing wisely!

And sometimes less wisely 🤮

Tonight holds good food and rest!
We are so grateful for the contentment that our camp spot holds 💜

Stay warm, friends.