I’ve been away from home for a couple of days.

I brought a beach ball home. Get it? #iykyk
While I was gone, Brady dove into ALL kinds of work with the kids! He did a TON of work in the garage, which is probably the biggest source of my anxiety in this house with the impending move. He went through EVERYTHING, disassembling the big stuff, and getting every hand tool in some kind of box or compartment. It will all move out easily now! Well, the table saw won’t be easy. Yikes that thing is heavy.
Also, the kids began packing their first boxes!

Now that I’m home, Brady has gone back to work at Zaks, and we are back to work at home! Its hectic, but its also very cute 💜

I cannot confirm that everyone is packing their things well, but I’ve come to terms with it. I really tried to pep talk the kids about going through their things and being sure that the things they bring to the next place are actually things they really really want, and I’m quite confident thats not whats happening. They are, unfortunately, moving messes. But they are all aware of what they’re doing, and they know their new closets at the house will not be for things anymore. Just clothes. So rather than doing the work for that here, they’re going to have to do it there. Which is a bummer, but frankly, I did all I could, and the rest is on them 🙂 Those things are future problems, haha! I’m just glad they’re packing up what they don’t need themselves before school is back in session so I don’t have to. Win!
I’m making some executive decisions over here, and things are starting to move forward. I’m a bit nervous about some unknowns in regards to moving day, but I’m also very excited. Papers are being signed soon. Deliveries are being scheduled. Things are feeling more and more real.
Thank you Lord for this super exciting time in our life! What a bizarre new year!! Your timing is bonkers but we trust You above all else!! 💜