We are no strangers to fevers around here. We have had our fair share over the years of having children, but I have always been very prone to long running, exhausting fevers. Behold 🙌 Yours truly as a grandmother child, rolling out a ten day fever.

Nowadays, I have kids who fever pretty hard for decent stretches of time. As you know, we spent their school break being very lazy, limping our way through the same virus absolutely everyone we know is getting through. Such is life. Four of our five kids took that hit last week, but it has finally knocked Laela down. She is truly one of the toughest cookies.

This is as far as she’s gotten today. Laying on the little couch in her robe. She has water nearby and a bucket for barfing. (To be clear, no one has barfed. But she’s aware and nervous, so she takes it along.) Her fever is managed to a degree, but she isn’t complaining or asking for much at all.
I thought it was worth noting on here what she can stomach, because there are such specific ideas out there of what we “should” eat when we’re sick, and hers are SO different!
Maybe you’ve heard of the BRAT diet. I think its so funny that its called that, lol! But BRAT stands for bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Bland, simple foods that are a good jumping off point for kids who are sick and don’t feel like eating.
Laela wants none of that, lol!
She doesn’t like bananas in general, so thats out. Applesauce is sometimes ok, but she struggles a bit with some textures, and thats only amped by her sickness. Rice is the same. And of all things, she specifically does not want toast when she’s sick, because to her, the throat scratching that comes with it is painful, not relieving like it feels to many of us.
Her main go-to at this point is milk. Most people say to stay away from milk for the sake of a possible upset stomach, but its all she wants, and I totally get that. Its comforting. So that one is a win for her.
Sometimes she wants an apple. Not this time around. Not yet, anyway. I wouldn’t normally offer an apple, but she swears by it. I think the crispy texture is good and refreshing, and hey, there’s liquid in there so she can have at it.
Yesterday, she had crackers and cheese for supper, which felt like a win. She ate eight crackers with some cheese on them, and went right back to the couch.
None of our kids like the standard electrolyte drinks. No diluted juice. Not even really broth. They’re milk and water kids, period. Which makes it pretty simple.

I teased a smile out of her this morning 💜 See her cute little freckle on the end of her nose? She got that one this summer. I love it.
I could fry an egg on this girl, but she doesn’t complain for a second. She just rests, watches Wavy play, and tries anything I suggest might help her feel better.
Her single worry is getting her hot lunch on Friday. I’m sure I would’ve felt the exact same way 💜