The Family Golf Cart

It’s been a more challenging summer with the kids on the golf cart. After an oddly entitled season for our kids, we have taken way fewer pleasure cruises than in previous seasons. 

But tonight, I presented a pep talk, and everyone agreed to have an argument-free ride, and to consider not where they just feel like sitting, but where others might want to also sit. 

And it was a grand success 💜 and the perfect evening for it. 

We sat by the water for a little bit and admired the sights and sounds. I prayed and thanked the Lord for all the beautiful things and people He’s given us and put into our lives. When I was done, Sol exclaimed “Nice prayer, mom! Even though it was really long!” 😂 I learned from the best, right, mom? 😏😘 

It was a beautiful end to the day 💜 who would’ve thought we could fit ten people on one golf cart, and be comfortable and happy? It’s all God 💜 All glory to Him!

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