The Difference a Camera Makes

My kids are completely rockstar beautiful, as always, but today they just seem extra gorgeous. I have found that our new house has windows in just the perfect places, and I have recently pulled out our camera again. Not that the iPhone doesn’t have a decent camera, because it does! But our point and shoot camera is pretty close to unbeatable.

It just about pains me to only post the pictures that are currently loading, and there are ten!! But I had to pick and choose because another factor that comes with camera pictures vs phone pictures is that they take way longer to load, haha! Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Before I post their beautiful faces, I’ll admit that Dekker was still sleeping when I was snapping pictures this morning, so the ones with him are from a couple of days ago. But they still count 🙂



Just try and tell me this kid and I look nothing alike. Sure, he definitely looks like his dad’s side of the family, but I’m seeing some serious resemblance here, even if its just mannerisms. Two of a kind.


Yes. His face is as soft as it looks.

Breakfast was cute.

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Post-breakfast playtime was also pretty much adorable. Maybe seeing their faces over and over again is just one of those “something only a mother would love” things, but so be it!

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My favorite part of this morning was taking band photos, or at least what could be band photos!

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Ro is looking pretty hardcore in the last one, hahaha!!

I’ll leave you with a bright eyed picture of Solly, because one says enough.


“Hello, everyone. I border on flawless.”

True fact.