The Days Plan

Welp. I’m home with the three babies and two other sickies. We left the house on Friday in quite a tizzy, in the midst of sickness, frustration, and a total lack of time. So as it happens, the mess we left was exactly the mess we came home to 😅

We came home late yesterday evening, thanks to the poutine community supper I mentioned in the last blog, so we came home, dumped everything in roughly the room it belonged in at least, and went to bed. So we made the mess worse. As we do.

This morning, I sent the well ones to school and the sickies went downstairs to read in their beds and be all cozy. I’ll admit, while I’m definitely mending, I also still feel pretty gross, and the idea of cleaning up the house felt huge and daunting. Moment of truth, guys.

These pictures leave out the mountain of diapers on the floor, and all the stuff we brought in from camp stacked up on the dining table. It was baaaaad in there.

So I decided to recruit my sickies, just in a small capacity, to help me. I called them up and asked if they would do a super low pressure, slow motion tidy of the main area with me. They made sure to let me know they didn’t feel well 😅 which I acknowledged, and I reassured them I would do the huge haul of dishes. They agreed, and got to it.

And they did even more than I asked 💜 Laela swept the living room and dining room, and Wavy did laps to bring things to the laundry room and the garbage.

While they worked, Cher poked her head in with soup and juice for the sickies, which was SO thoughtful! Lunch will be served up easily, with virtually no work for me! Thank you, dear sister 💜

Now, the girls have settled in upstairs to continue their cuddly hang out. Laela is reading Wavy her library books from school. The morsel is unpacking the bookshelf in solidarity.

And I’m puttering in the kitchen. Dishes are large, but I have no time crunch. Two of the babies are up, and one is still asleep. It works, though, because the sick one is the sleeping one. Win! I have a stack of bottles and syringes soaking in the sink right now. Dishes will be stacked up nicely but not loudly unloaded and loaded while we still have someone sleeping. That baby is high stakes, lol, so we can’t risk it.

But come the afternoon, we have to duck out. The kids are coming along, but they won’t leave the van. I’m quite determined that it will be a good day, regardless of whether its perfect or not. We can’t wait for perfect to be content! We were never promised perfect. Ever. So we’ll just keep on trucking 🙂

Ok. The bottles have soaked long enough. Back to it!