The last few days have been SO chill for the kids. The calm before the storm, perhaps 😏 But, so you get the vibe…
There has been playdoh…

Sand art…


not to mention kinetic sand, painting, colouring, reading, etc etc etc.
I’ve also been taking the kids out for afternoon walks more often, and yesterday, we even went for an evening walk as a family 💜 Haven’t done that in a while! It was SO nice.

Today has been a bit different. I was in the city for a chunk of the morning, and my mom spent a few hours with the five kids 💜 Meanwhile, I made a really yummy coffee and got to be out and about a bit more relaxedly.

Welp. I suppose at this point, I should start getting us set up for the lake! 😬 Shut up I’m not late you’re late!