And then they didn’t come! Customer service had reassured me halfway through when I learned my order couldn’t be tracked that they would arrived on or before October 13th. On October 18th, I finally emailed customer service. Within the hour, they had refunded our shipping costs, which was a lovely and welcomed surprise. The customer service representative wrote me an email and said to notify him if I haven’t received my books by November 1st. While I wasn’t thrilled about waiting another two weeks, I had read in the FAQs that, if the books just never showed up and got lost in the mail, they’d be reprinted free of charge. So I took a breath and decided I was fine to wait.
I am TOTALLY smitten with these books! I don’t want to be super self involved or anything, but it feels incredible to have them in my hands 🙂 I know I don’t have “I wrote a book, or four” status, but years of work and memories went into these books, and now, having them tangible and in front of me, its all worth it. The quality isn’t half bad either!
This has definitely added to my motivation to keep saving posts. Not that I had stopped! I have another book completed and ready, and I’m partway through another. I’ve just been taking my sweet time. While taking my time is completely within my rights, I pretty much blitzed through these ones that I now have, and I’m very eager for the rest!
So YAY!!!!! You guys should seriously come see these. They’re just incredible. And they’re HUGE. The box of four weighed over 11 lbs!! Thank goodness we didn’t have to pay shipping, hahaha! Win!
They look Great, wow I love them too!! I can see why you re so excited!! Good job Hailey! Your persistence paid off!!😀
Thanks so much!!! I have to agree that its all paid off, because I really love the result. Its certainly not a perfect product but neither am I, and I think they’re just as they should be 🙂