Ok! Here is a brief rundown of yesterday’s workload! It was monumental!!!
Yesterday, day four, was the day of the big things. The moving of both stuff, and also furniture. I sat the kids down and pep talked them good and proper about how things were going to get really really messy before they actually got organized. That everyones stuff would be in everyones space. That people would touch other peoples things. That everyone would be expected to help others if their things were currently finished or on pause. And everyone was on board! Fully expecting them all to tap out after fifteen minutes, I got to work guiding each kid to know where they could possibly start, and just started working. I began moving all the girls stuff out of their room and dumping it into the middle of the basement. Their room would be the most challenging, and the last to put together, so all of their things just lived in the main area. Once their bedding was down, I started bringing Rowans stuff up and chucking it onto the bed. Just to get the right things into the right rooms. We’d set it up after. I worked to get the girls dresser downstairs and then helped Rowan get his dresser up. Solly was taking Rowan’s stuff out of his room and Dekker was dragging their things over into their new space/Rowan’s old space. It was chaos.

But the kids didn’t quit! They worked for a solid few hours and got the bulk of their things done!! I got Rowans new storage shelf in from the garage, as well as a dresser for our baby room. That sucker was heavy! But it got done!
So while Rowan worked on moving his things up and around, and the downstairs boys puttered in their room, the girls hung with the babies for a bit while I got to assembling their bed. We got them quite the new bed setup, secondhand, with no assembly instructions whatsoever. But I sat with it and worked slowly, looking at the diagram pictures off of the Wayfair link the previous owner had sent me. The babies went down for naps and Laela came to hang out with me while I worked. She brought lunch down for both of us, and insisted on helping screw the slats in place at the very end.

The next time the babies were up, I got into their room and made sense of all the boxes stacked up mindlessly in their room. Their closet is still pretty much just used for storage, which isn’t ideal, but it works for now. Lots of “for now” solutions going on over here, but I’m excited to gradually get our house to where I want it. Its ok if it takes time. I plan to be here until I’m an old, old lady.
We wrapped the day up with trash food for our kids who worked very, very hard. They were stoked.

This is Rowans new room…

Dekker and Solly’s new room…

Laela and Wavy’s new room…

and a fresh baby room.

Everyone slept in their new spaces last night 💜 It was a total win.
Today was about cleaning more so. Cher came and helped. Loose floating boxes that just needed putting away finally vanished. Floors were swept and mopped and vacuumed. Bathrooms got cleaned. Babies got bathed. Basement got tidied up. Extra dining chairs came out of the garage and covers were stretched in place. Kids continued to settle into their rooms. Babies stayed alive. A few groceries were picked up.
Aaaaand everything that didn’t get put away nicely now lives in tubs in my room 🤣 Just so the house is nice for the weekend!
Happy Friday, friends! Only so many summertime weekends left! Enjoy! Everyone slept in their new spaces last night 💜