The Big Tidy

The work around here is still far from done, but I made a LOT of progress yesterday!

I didn’t have the nerve to take a before picture, but I can show you that this was ALL on the floor beside my bed 😳

I know. Impressive, right? And not in the way you want it to be. I had a lot of projects going on the last little while, and as soon as I have one project in a basket (or not in a basket) beside the bed, its hard to open up my cabinet doors to put things away properly. Most of the time, I have this space pretty under control, but it gets away from me at busy times like Christmas. Aaaaanyway. Order is restored. As restored as it ever is.

Had I told you guys I got a third yarn cabinet in fall? Part of me felt guilty about it, but the other part of me was happy to also store some books and other things in there. Plus – bonus! These are SO beautiful, and if I ever don’t use them for yarn, they will fit beautifully just about anywhere in our home! They are not oversized or bulky, and they don’t take up crazy amounts of space. They’re beautiful, and I am SO fortunate to have them!

Still work to do, but the big stuff is done, and I am giving myself some grace today 🙂 I still have hopes and intentions, but they are lower pressure and can be done anytime. I’ve been SO spent at the end of these last few days, I hope today I can do a little bit more resting.

Happy Friday, friends 💜