The Big Kids and their Pixels

A few of our kids are invested in Minecraft. Not at home. They don’t have things for that at home, haha! But they play it at school, and they really enjoy it. Dekker more than everyone, and Laela is a solid second. So there is LOTS of Minecraft talk in our house, mostly about what to put in houses Dekker builds, and projects like that. It’s fun, and creative, so I don’t mind it. But I also don’t understand most of it.

Part of why I’m cool with all the Minecraft talk is the art that its brought into the house! The kids draw on graph paper now! I used to do that, too, and I LOVED it! I still use it to draw out crochet patterns and there is just something different about it. It thrills my heart at a totally nerdy level. The kids art started by making cool blocky characters modelled after Minecraft characters. Then, Dekker began planning buildings, counting blocks and making rooms. He spent a LOT of time building an accessible house on Minecraft, considering the widths of the doorways and hallways. It was ADORABLE. Dekker still works on houses and structures, but the whole thing has developed into pixel art, and its so fun! Dekker will draw out food, characters, animals, etc. He’ll copy them off of a google image and color them in for his wall of fame.

I’m telling you a lot about their art, and I don’t have a ton of pictures of it at the moment, sorry to say. But what prompted this post was Laela’s art from yesterday. What I LOVED about it was that it was completely from her brain!!! No looking at other pictures or snagging ideas. She just went for it. And it is AWESOME.

So is this or is this not SO COOL?! The hardest part to figure out is the words. It says “Its McDonald!” Hahaha! She told me she ran out of room and didn’t want the last “s” to be on its own row, so she just went with it. I like that about her. It didn’t have to be perfect. But its pretty stinking close, if you ask me!

I love the drink, with the m’s. I love the burger, because she is most proud of that, and how the lettuce and tomato came together. And the fries are so great, too, even though she chuckled at her weird “m” on the side of the container.

Her sign off even had hearts with arrows 💘 She is SO stinking cute.

Anyway. Minecraft. I’ve enjoyed some of the fun developmental stuff thats come with it. Does anyone know if there is some kind of handheld Minecraft game? Like. A gameboy. I know, I’m dating myself here. But, does that exist? Help a mom out here, guys.