There are pros to everyone being home with colds. While its a hassle, and the kids are itching to be out the door, I’m not mad at getting up a little later in the morning. I don’t mind letting them doddle hard over breakfast. I don’t mind everyone wearing jammies all day long. And by not having to leave the house, I’m getting things done!!
Eek! I have our family pictures in hand! YES!!! I’m so eager to send them off to be designed and printed into Christmas cards! Who wants one?! If you’re not confident you’re on our list, please speak up! I’d love to send you one!
I’ve also been madly working on Christmas gifts and expanding my knowledge and skillset, and I’m truly loving the outcome! Its clear there is always more to learn, and my goodness, crafting is my happy, restful place. The wheels for next Christmas are already turning 😆 Because lets be real. If I want to make all five kids something awesome, its going to have to be a plan for next year!
Another thing I’ve been putting off is purging the photos and videos off my phone. I have thousands and none of them are backed up on iCloud. For whatever reason, my photo program on my laptop isn’t working, so my photos aren’t transferring the way they normally do. I’ve been waiting to transfer everything until I know the program will work, but my phone is suffering under all the stuff and its time. So I’ve been working on downloading everything to the laptop and I’ll just store it in a folder on the desktop until the program is ready, and that way I can wipe my phone and start fresh.
While I do these things, the kids are coloring ALL together at the island!! Isn’t that awesome?? Music is playing. Christmas lights are on. Coffee is yummy. Its probably warmer in here than some would prefer, but its great for us.
Meanwhile, Brady is off at work, keeping his head up, working hard for us! We are SO grateful for all he does, in the midst of his body not doing all its supposed to do. He does not complain, and still offers me breaks from the kids when he can see they would be useful.
Thank you Lord for our family, and the people who put into us in all the different ways. Thank you for keeping us running as a strong unit, despite some efforts to take us down.