There are very few good aspects of kids being sick. They tend to be grumpy and uncooperative, which is justified and understandable. But its not fun to be around.
My children are fairly mild mannered when they’re sick, which means we have these nice quiet days of (you guessed it) music, lego, and crocheting. Also reading…

Meanwhile, I’m across the living room, blowing my own runny nose, stifling my own coughs, and crocheting beautiful things. I am so close to showing you what I’m up to, and I’m really really excited about it! I feel this woman’s vibe SO strong.

Just. Stay there. So I can do this.
I tease. Sort of. Everyone is content here, and doing what they want to be doing, with kleenex and water within reach. This might be our last sick day with this stretch!! 🤞